Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Because you needed to know...chores

I'm sorry, I can't resist. I found another stupid AP questionaire that I have to post. Really, isn't there news somewhere they AP could write about? Anyway, here it is...

"What home tasks need tending?"

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: "Maintaining shrubbery"
Yes, it's true...Biden has sold his soul to the Knights Who Say "Ni!"

New York Sen.
Hillary Rodham Clinton: "Organizing my closets"
And what woman doesn't have to organize her closets? Oh, um, me. My closets are currently organized. Ha!

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: "My 2 year-old who wakes up beginning at 3 every morning!"
I thought this was a really cute response until I remembered the question was "What home tasks need tending?" So, the 2 year-old is a task? Boy, you'd better start saving up for the therapy now!

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: "Clearing paths in the woods"
Seriously? Who is this guy? Henry David Thoreau?

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: The garden
Okay, yeah...I can see that. I don't think Kucinich will go far in this election, but at least he gives good answers to these things. Someone should just send him one of those internet questionnaires that you fill out and send to 10 of your closest friends. That's probably all he wants.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: "Too numerous to list"
Join the club, buddy.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: "Taking out the garbage at the mansion"
????????? Taking out the garbage at the MANSION? Are you trying to alienate yourself from EVERYONE?

Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: "Mowing the lawn"
I always hated mowing the lawn. And I wasn't very good at it.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: "Cleaning the fireplace"
Just like Dick Van Dyke's character in Mary Poppins!

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: "Cleaning garage"
The good things about garages is you can always just close the door and no one will know!

California Rep. Duncan Hunter: "Finishing the rebuilding of our house that burned down — a big task."
Yeah, that is a big task.

Arizona Sen. John McCain: "Grilling"
Grilling? That's not a task, silly! What about cleaning up after all those pets?

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: "Clean the gutters"
Strangely, I don't believe him!

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: Christmas lights
Hee hee hee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"And what woman doesn't have to organize her closets? Oh, um, me. My closets are currently organized. Ha!"

The only reason your closets are somewhat organized is because you just moved and someone made you get rid of most of your unused / never used stuff....

Now if we were talking about organizing the kitchen then whoa nelly you've got some work to do. :)
