Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Because you needed to know...pets

Yes, the wacky AP is back at it again. This time the burning question they had for the leader of the free world wanna-be'
"What pets live in your home?" I think we can all agree that this is very important for the American public to know when we make our decision about who to vote for.....

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: A cat.
Yea! I like cats!

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: "Seamus, our Lab."
Um, whatever happened to Buddy the Dog? You know the dog that made them give away Socks the Cat? I still haven't forgiven the Clintons for that....

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: None because of family's allergies. Would like a dog.
Oh, that's too bad!

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: Golden retriever and chocolate Lab.
Ooh, great dogs!

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Pound-rescues Harry the beagle-basset, Lucie the beagle and George the cocker spaniel.
Good for them for rescuing dogs from the pounds, but I really don't like Cocker Spaniels. They tend to pee everywhere.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: None.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: Cats Jake and Squeaky.
Yea! More cats!
Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: Two dogs, two cats and a fish.
Leave it to someone from the heartland to illustrate the food chain in his own home.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: None.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: Jet the 9-year-old black Lab, Sonic the 1 1/2-year-old Shih Tzu.
Lab, cool. Shih Tzu...I'm not sure those are really dogs....

California Rep. Duncan Hunter: Two black Labs, Boo and Hunter.
Yes, Labs are definitely cool. If I were to get a dog, I'd probably get a lab.

Arizona Sen. John McCain: Sam the English springer spaniel, Coco the mutt, turtles Cuff and Link, Oreo the black and white cat, a ferret, three parakeets and 13 saltwater fish.
Holy moly! I'd hate to clean up after his menagerie. I once had a turtle. It mysteriously disappeared. We're blaming Rosie the all-consuming Western Alligator lizard who probably still lives under the fish pond at my childhood home.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: Family recently lost Marley, a Weimaraner.

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: No longer has a pet.
Also sad...

Well, all I can say is, "Hillary, you'd better explain about Buddy!" and "Barry and Rudy...if you want to be in the White House, you gotta get a pet!"


Anonymous said...

A golden retriever and a chocolate lab. John Edwards is starting to sound better and better all the time.

What state does McCain keep all those animals in? He's getting close to starting his own zoo.....


Anonymous said...

Buddy was run over at Clinton's New York house.

There is no proof that it was anything other than suicide.