Thursday, May 17, 2007

Because you needed to know...grades

I promise to actually write something borderline original here one of these days. It's just that the AP is cracking me up with these.

Next on the docket:
"What were your best and worst grades or subjects in school?"

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: Favorite subject was American jurisprudence at the University of Delaware; least favorite was contracts at Syracuse University Law School

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: "I always loved history and got good grades, but I never did well at math."
You know, that's interesting. I also loved history and got good grades, but I also had a 4.0 in math.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: Best, U.S. history. No answer on worst subject.
I think he's trying to tell us that he's a smarty pants. Or that he failed PE and doesn't want to admit it.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: Best, English; worst, chemistry.
Yeah, I wasn't too hot in chemistry either. English, though, was probably my best subject in high school.

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Best subject, English; worst, biology.
See John Edwards

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law; D in 8th grade French.
Beware all you frenchies!

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: A in spelling; F in music.
Spelling? A subject? Maybe in the third grade!
Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: Best, agricultural economy; worst, music.
Agricultural economy? Well, he is from Kansas, so I can't knock him. However, the "Fashion Merchandising" class my nieces took in high school is a different story....

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Best, constitutional law and contracts in law school. Worst, tax in law school.
Bad news...don't break the law with Giuliani. Good news...feel free to cheat on your taxes.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: A+ (100 percent average) in debate; C in 9th Grade algebra.
Apparently someone who gets a C in algebra has to explain what "A+" means.

California Rep. Duncan Hunter: Favorite college subject was contract law. No answer on worst subject.
Worst subject was probably spelling.

Arizona Sen. John McCain: "I never got good grade."
Hee hee hee!

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: A to F. "Fortunately, I got more A's than F's."
Now if that isn't a politically correct answer, I don't know what is!

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: A+ in high school civics; failed high school French.
What's with the "A+"'s? Seriously, did you actually get an A+ on a report card? That wasn't even an option in my school...A was the best you could do. I feel robbed!

So, the moral of the story is that we have smart people and smartypants, but things are going to get any better between the US and France in the next administration!

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