Wednesday, April 04, 2007

An undercover look....

Okay, someone asked what was up with the nicknames on my site. It's true...I rarely post anyone's real names. The identities behind some of the nicknames are obvious--for example, if you read back, you'll know that the Guberif is my father. Others are not so.

Believe it or not, I'm not part of some underground cult. Instead, I recognize that, sadly, the internet is not always used for good and not everyone wants strangers to know what is going on. Now, obviously, I seem not to have a problem with that since I have a BLOG, but some of the people in my life have more sense than I do.

And, to be honest, nicknames are kind of cool. Take my Studmuffin, for example. From the nickname "Studmuffin" you can tell that he's a one of a kind guy with at least enough guts to be called Studmuffin. I'll let you in on a little secret...he chose that nickname himself! Probably good since the nickname I had given him previous to this was Sir Talksalot.

Of course, Sir Talksalot is not a bad nickname either. After all, my Studmuffin does talk....alot. This is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it relieves me from having to be social with complete strangers (something my Studmuffin is quite good at). And, I admit it...I gave him that nickname. Also a good thing because I beat my friends to the nickname. Trust me on this, always give your significant others nicknames before your friends can......


Unknown said...

Sir Doesn't Ever Shut Up would have been more appropriate. I can get behind Talksalot though.

Anonymous said...

I think you should have a 'guess my first name' contest. What's the first letter? I'd love to guess.

W&MGrad said...

Okie dokie...first letter: M!

Anonymous said...

Maxine! I knew it!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - never noticed that *your* name wasn't on the site. Funny. Probably because in my favorites it is listed as (your name)'s blog! Anyway, Maxine it is - I like it. :)

Anonymous said...

I know, I'm pathetic, but I actually looked at some archives of yours...and found your is actually listed.
But I'll leave the others in the dark if they don't already know it.