Friday, August 03, 2007

Airline woes....

So, I found this article yesterday...basically saying how to "politely" recline your seat on an airline. Now, I'm one of these people who will only recline my seat in one of two situations:
1 - There is no one sitting behind me
2 - The person behind me has their seat reclined way back into the lap of the person behind them.

Now, admittedly, that may change next month. I found this site which told me that my Studmuffin and I are in for some very excrutiatingly uncomfortable flights next month when we go to Europe (thanks so much, Continental Arlines! Ugh!). Which, of course, bring to the point that there wouldn't be this problem if airlines were actually interested in their passengers' comfort rather than the ability to sandwich us in like sardines.

But, I did come up with a possible solution, which I think might actually be possible. Instead of having the seat backs recline, why not have the seats themselves slide forward? True, this would still lead to the dreaded knee-crunching, but at least it would be the knees of the reclinee and not MY knees!

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