Friday, July 20, 2007

To believe or not to believe....

So, I found an old (old, as in from March) survey Newsweek had done that asked people about, among other things, what they believed was the origin on human beings. They were given 4 options:
God guided the evolutionary process leading to the modern human
God had no part in the evolutionary process leading to the modern human
God created humans in their present form
Don't know.

The responses were then broken up into the following categories:
Evangelical Protestants
Non-Evangelical Protestants

First of all, I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between an "Evangelical Protestant" and a "Non-evangelical Protestant" is and, frankly, I could get in a long debate with anyone over this. But, that's not what really confused me.

Apparently, 27% of Atheists believed that God guided the evolutionary process and 13% believe that God created humans in their present form.

Okay, anyone home? Atheists, by definition, atheists do not believe in God. Yet, 27% claim to believe that God guided evolution and 13% believe in creationism. Am I the only person here who finds this odd?

I have to say that this stymies me a bit more than the current pope, who does not believe that the sex abuse by priests in the US actually happened, but thinks that Harry Potter is real. Maybe he needs to meet with the Atheists so they can all straighten out what exactly they believe in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$650M probably should be a sign that something happened with the priests. They did pay off. Of course AMD lost $600M this quarter and they keep claiming everything is ok.......