Anyway, here are some things that have been running through my head.
I discovered Jennifer Weiner's website, listed on the right, today. It's a great site, but I think that I would easily offend her if I ever met her. The thing is, I don't like chick lit. But, I like Jennifer Weiner's books, along with one or two other "chick lit" writers. What Jennifer Weiner should probably understand is that she is among a few in chick lit. She writes well. For every Jennifer Weiner, there are three or four people writing crap like Dating without Novocain.
I think that we should do away with Presidential debates. No matter how much fun they are (yes, I find them entertaining), they aren't really that useful. We already know where all the candidates stand before the debates ever begin. Heck, we know where they stand now. Instead, I think they should all be on a trivia game show. You know, ask them stuff about US History, Government, American Literature, Pop Culture (see how much they care about you, Hollywood!), and State Capitals. When the debates finally come around, I'd rather find out what the candidates know, not what they think.
I got an email saying that no one should buy gas on May 15th and that will show them! Do you really believe that? I don't. It's only one day and, frankly, anyone can go without buying gas for one day. Heck, I can go 3 weeks without buying gas!
I'm reading a bizarre, but good book right now. I won't go into details, but apparently the author's past life is revealed in dreams. Frankly, this sort of freaks me out since my current recurring dream (i.e., I've dreamt it twice in the last 3 months or so) is that I'm a contestant on The Amazing Race. What does that mean????
1 comment:
I think instead of presidential debates, they should have a steel cage wrestling match. Who wouldn't want to see John McCain hit Hillary Clinton over the head with a folding chair? That's far more productive than arguing about medicare funding.
As for the national don't buy gas day, they have one of those every year or so, and from what I understand, they have absolutely no impact on anything (I hope that wasn't too shocking to hear).
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