Sunday, April 15, 2007

Over-rated fizzy stuff

So, my thoughtful Studmuffin brought me back a souvenir from his trip to the other side of the planet--a very nasty head cold (he also brought me some other quite fine things, but those are for another post). Now, I'm not one who gets sick too often so I'm out of the loop when it comes to over the counter drugs. Anyway, when anyone heard me sniffle, they all had the same advice, "You need Airborne."

I tried it--first impression is that this stuff is nasty! It's kind of like alka-seltzer with a pathetic attempt to add some kind of flavor (I've tried lemon-line and "zesty" orange). Second impression--this is a load of crap. Seriously. I don't care what Oprah says, this stuff is a waste of money.

And, really, I hate to admit it but that's what convinced me to try it. "Oprah talks about it." Why should that make a difference? I can't say that I have any strong feelings for or against Oprah, but I really don't feel that one should be so powerful as to convince me that I should drink scary fizzy stuff.

Now I know....just give me the hard stuff. Well, if you can call sudafed hard stuff......

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