Tuesday, April 17, 2007

All for naught....

...all my voting for Clyde Drexler has at last (and not surprisingly) fallen flat. I'll now have to vote for good dancers.

...Jeff Weaver--the biggest waste of money ever. Good going, Seattle.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Melinda.

I hear they're giving Weaver just one more shot at starting since Hernandez will be out for a little longer. I'm torn. Should I hope for him to blow it once and for all over an M's win? Hmmm.....


W&MGrad said...

Who are they putting Jeff Weaver in against? Not the Red Sox, I hope! Maybe he'll dislocate a shoulder or something. Yikes!

You know, probably any of the Tacoma pitchers would fare better than Weaver. Whatever!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not sure if Weaver pitched himself out of the lineup against the Yankees, but we did send Mateo down at least. He got in trouble for beating his wife....sounds like it was a good excuse for them to axe him. I believe we called up Sean Green.


W&MGrad said...

I guess I'm a bad fan for hoping that Weaver would crash and burn so that they would FINALLY get rid of him. Oh well!

Mateo...wife beater???? Wow....