Monday, April 09, 2007

More proof of global warming

It's a sad state of affairs. The Mariners-Cleveland series was WIPED OUT by snow. Dang global warming. (Okay, I can't complain that much as we were down 5-0 before they called the first game....but it's snow...and baseball! C'mon!)

Of course, I'm fighting my own environmental uphill battle at the moment since my Studmuffin does not recycle aluminium cans! Dude, that's 5 cents a can.....yeesh! Seriously, I set out the cans to recycle and he sneaks them down to the dumpster! All I have to say is that he did not grow up in Oregon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am soooo horrified Studmuffin! We way up here in Camas recycle our cans and we don't even get cash back. Step up dude and stop all that "Global Warming" that is making it snow in April.