Okay, that's not entirely true. There are, of course, Mariners games. However, their last 2 games were pretty dismal.
So, what did I learn this television year?
- Road trips with your family are fun. Road trips with other families--even if you get to see Phil every now and then--are not.
- When the bomb squad takes away the unstable explosive you've been holding for hours or so, don't follow them into the hallway.
- Sweeps in the world series are not ideal because the final win is a road win. Winning at home is so much more fun!
- Lake Pontchartrain is not, in fact, one of the great lakes.
- DVR's are one of the greatest inventions--even if you only have 2 must-see shows
- Irony is going through a successful heart transplant after nearly being murdered by your significant other only to die of a stroke.
- When in Thailand, beware of monkeys.
- If you find out that your boyfriend has never mentioned that he was married, much less still is married, until his wife shows up and confronts both of you, he's not a nice guy. If he continues to lead you on and then goes back to his wife, he's really not a nice guy. If he then accuses you of being a whore because you...go on a date with someone....he's a truly horrible guy. And you really shouldn't end up having sex with him at the pseudo-prom. However, if you do, make sure you don't lose your panties.
- TTOW!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Wasn't last nights finale of AR just...Amazing! Ta-tow!
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