Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Okay, now what?

It's 10:40pm on Wednesday night. Forty minutes ago the television season pretty much ended for me until September. Good news? Christina and Burke are still together and the Hippies won a million. The bad news? There is literally nothing on television until September.

Okay, that's not entirely true. There are, of course, Mariners games. However, their last 2 games were pretty dismal.

So, what did I learn this television year?
  1. Road trips with your family are fun. Road trips with other families--even if you get to see Phil every now and then--are not.
  2. When the bomb squad takes away the unstable explosive you've been holding for hours or so, don't follow them into the hallway.
  3. Sweeps in the world series are not ideal because the final win is a road win. Winning at home is so much more fun!
  4. Lake Pontchartrain is not, in fact, one of the great lakes.
  5. DVR's are one of the greatest inventions--even if you only have 2 must-see shows
  6. Cross-country snowboarding is THE GREATEST EVENT IN THE WINTER OLYMPICS EVER!
  7. Irony is going through a successful heart transplant after nearly being murdered by your significant other only to die of a stroke.
  8. When in Thailand, beware of monkeys.
  9. If you find out that your boyfriend has never mentioned that he was married, much less still is married, until his wife shows up and confronts both of you, he's not a nice guy. If he continues to lead you on and then goes back to his wife, he's really not a nice guy. If he then accuses you of being a whore because you...go on a date with someone....he's a truly horrible guy. And you really shouldn't end up having sex with him at the pseudo-prom. However, if you do, make sure you don't lose your panties.
  10. TTOW!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Neva4getme said...

Wasn't last nights finale of AR just...Amazing! Ta-tow!