Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mystery solved? Maybe not!

One thing that I've never understood is the appeal of curling. Frankly, I find it a rather stupid game but it seems to be gaining in popularity, a conspiracy which, I'm sure, was cooked up by our neighbors up north.

This evening I met a French-Canadian man, who asked that I call him "Superdude." I asked Superdude what the Canadian fascination with curling was all about. He thought for a moment before responding, "Because there is a stone, a harrrd stone, and we toss the stone. And there is much sweeping. So much sweeping! And they wear tight clothes and they are all sweaty!"

Mmmm, alrighty then. While that may not explain the Canadian fascination with curling, it might explain something about Canadians in general.

As for me, if I feel the need to participate in a mundane game of throwing heavy stuff around, I'll just head out to the local bowling alley!


Anonymous said...

You found us is a all got so good at hockey so quick, plus we invented basketball yet basketball is synonymous with American college sports rosters more than we thought... lets really screw them up this time...mix up their all-american bowling tradition and put it on ice and see what they think.
Actually I am a Canadian who doesn't know the first thing about curling, I didn't even tune into it on the olympics last month.

Anonymous said...

Hey...I remembered your site address - and interesting post, veeery interesting ;)