Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rare Political Post

What I'm about to say may actually lead some members of my family to disinherit me (or something like that because, frankly, I don't think my mother would be too upset about this and the guberif doesn't know how to turn a computer on! There are some others, though, who will think I'm crazy....), but I think I like Ron Paul. I probably won't vote for him since:
1 - I live in Oregon and we don't have our primaries until AFTER the presidential election. And, even if we were in the same decade as the rest of the country, I'm a non-affiliated voter and therefore can't vote in the primaries.
2 - There is no chance he'd get the nomination because he doesn't walk the walk or talk the talk the way the party wants him too.

But still, I like him. I had never heard of him until he was on The Colbert Report and, in addition to speaking his mind no matter what the Republican party says, he was really goofy. And I like goofy people. Although I really don't like Goofy because, well, dogs shouldn't wear pants.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've heard of Ron Paul, but that's where my knowledge of him ends. That and the fact that I have one semi-crazy uncle who likes both him and Dennis Kucinich because they are semi-crazy as well.