Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I think I'm going to move...

Well, I think I'm going to move this blog over to wordpress. I've been reading a couple of other blogs over there and, frankly, I'm far more impressed with wordpress than with blogger. Plus, as much as I like Gmail, the omnipresent nature of Google is starting to scare me. In another five years, I fear the world will be controlled by Google, Starbucks and Warren Buffett (if it isn't already!)


Jamie Willow said...

let me know the new addy when you move ;)

down with google!

(I'm a little afraid for my life having written that...)

W&MGrad said...

I'm now at www.mindlessmeanderings.wordpress.com

See ya there!

W&MGrad said...

Oops, no www.

It is:

W&MGrad said...

Wordpress has FAR more features than blogspot...tracking, widgets, etc. Also, I was having a problem with blogspot seeing new posts until they were a few days old. None of those problems over at wordpress!