Monday, February 26, 2007

Great, now it will NEVER get out of my head!

Well, my Studmuffin finally figured out the song. Well, actually, he needed help from his cousin (who, incidentally, also has a blog. You can find it here). Unfortunately, he has now, um, "serenaded" me with that song about 20 times. Great. Now it will NEVER get out of my head. Luckily, his version has a different tune. Hmm, maybe "tune" is too strong of a word...

I'd better shut up about this now, he's threatened to find the guitar chords for it.


Anonymous said...

Just in case you'd like to keep that song in her head....

It's "You're My Inspiration" by Chicago. You know it's the one that goes, you're the meaning in my life, you're my inspiration.

It's 80's, it's sappy, and my girl has it stuck in her head. :)


elasticwaistbandlady said...

Chicago is my favorite group of all time! "You're The Inspiration" is one of my least favorite songs of all time!

Dilemma, to be sure.

I've already delcared my home a "Bon Jovi Free Zone." A place of solitude and rest where the floors are never Slippery When Wet and we're not just Living On A Prayer.