Thursday, July 06, 2006

Updates and such

As I think at least some of you know, I'm off work all this week. Basically it's a "get the stress under control" time and it seems to be working. I slept until 9am this morning. I don't think that's happened since college. Carmel is, of course, loving it--which means he'll cry constantly all next week when I go back to the office.

The only other update in my life is that I'm going back to school part time in September so that I can make a career change into the Human Resources field. Should be interesting and stressful (just what I need--ha!), but I'm hoping to have it done by next summer.

So, what have been doing this week? Well, I did get a chance to do some blog searching and I did accidentally happen across an ex-boyfriend's blog (which I won't be posting here) as well as a couple new ones that I decided, based completely on the latest post, I liked. They've been added to the sidebar list as well as this little list here....

I also noticed that I need to update the books in the sidebar...will do that soon!

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