Monday, June 12, 2006

Survived the weekend

First off, because I know you all are on pins and needles, I didn't win the cookie contest. Apparently, my idea was not as original as I thought since 10 out of the 20 recipes were almost identical. I thought the hazlenuts were a good idea, but apparently it was marionberries that you needed. (For those of you not in Oregon, Marion Berries are known as "the Marion variety of blackberry." The FDA has approved the name "marionberry" ONLY for use in Oregon and for berries grown in Oregon--true!). The top 2 finishers both had marionberries--I think the 2nd place cookie should have won, but oh well. I wasn't a judge, and a good thing at that! I honestly thought one of the judges was going hurl all over the table after he finished the last cookie.

Other highlights of the weekend--I volunteered at CAT on Saturday afternoon--love those precious kitties! After that, off to see The Break Up. I have to say I liked it. True, don't expect it to sweep the Oscars but it was entertaining. The opening scene at Wrigley Field won me over--baseball rivalry humor is a homerun with me! And it was Jennifer Aniston, who I like. And Vince Vaughn, who I also like. And the kid of A Christmas Story who is, well, not really a kid any more. In fact, I didn't even realize it was him until my friend told me. But then I had to wonder...where the heck has he been for the last 20 years? Yeesh!

Then, last night, my team finished third at the MiPL Pub Quiz. I finished 2nd last time and I was really hoping to improve on it, but oh well. I did learn a few things--it's illegal to hunt Sasquatch in Skamania County, the president of Turkmenistan is a freak and eating a teaspoon of mustard and thinking about bald men are both cures for the hiccups. There was a 3rd cure, but this is a family site! (By "family" I don't necessarily mean that a bunch of unsupervised-but-computer-savvy-four-year-olds wander by as much as I mean my mother has been known to read this site.)


Ryan said...

Are sasquatch hunters really a big problem out there? I mean, when was the last time someone actually killed a sasquatch? I don't think I've even heard of someone trying to hunt sasquatch.

Sorry you didn't win the cookie contest, but live and learn. Next year, just be sure to include marionberries in the cookie. You still may not win, but perhaps you'll be second place which is still a respectable showing in my book. *nodding* =)

Anonymous said...

I still stand by my nuts. Berries are for muffins, cookies are for nuts.

John said...

Ahhh, bar quizzes. I used to like "Countdown" from NTN. Back in the day . . .

Neva4getme said...

I was waiting to hear about your cookie! Oh well, now you know for next year :)