Thursday, June 01, 2006

NPR Tidbit of the Day

I heard on the radio that either DC or Marvel Comics (can't remember, don't really care) announced that Batwoman is coming back...and out. Yes, Batwoman will be the first mainstream lesbian comic book character. The publisher said that they were looking for "more diversity" to which someone (can't remember, don't really care) suggested they should then make ugly comic book characters. Whatever.

This does, however, bring two questions to mind. First of all, what are these superheroes doing that would actually bring their sexual preference to the forefront? I mean, if you are spending all your time fighting the powers of evil, do you even have time for a sex life?

Secondly, does this explain Jughead's slightly more than fraternal friendship with Archie?

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Superman has Lois Lane--seems only fair that Batwoman should get her too. ;o)

Actually, I think Lois Lane is straight, but Wonder Woman--now that's a pair that will get childish men excited and sell millions of copies of the comic! It's all about making her marketable. They probably should have made her bi, though, to expand the possibilities. *nodding*