Thursday, June 15, 2006

If you are what you eat....

...then I'm a FRUIT! 'Cuz that's all I've been eating! Here are my tips for fruit eating:
  1. Don't eat anything with mold
  2. Bananas should be slightly crunchy--otherwise they belong in bread
  3. If you have a bruise on your apple, put it in the fridge. The bruise will still be there, but it won't be as mushy
  4. Plums are really good, but you really REALLY do not want to eat more than one or two of them at a time
  5. Never judge a fruit by it's peel (unless it's a banana). Organic fruit is ugly, but it tastes sooo good
  6. Nothing beats an Oregon peach!


John said...

If steak and hamburger and brats and hot dogs and cheese are fruits, well, I'm with you!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Here are MY tips for fruit eating:

Go directly to your local IHOP

Order the "Root'n Tooty, Fresh And Fruity" special

Enjoy blissful feelings of warm contentedness in your belly.