Monday, May 29, 2006

The blessed event

So, CNN and the like were reporting the biggest news to hit civilization...the birth of baby Brangelina.

I'm sorry....I forgot to care.

Really, why is this big news? All this child has done is make it through Angelina's birth canal. And what is so wonderful about her Mom and Dad? Pretty people who act...woohoo. Oh yeah, her father appeared on Friends (personally, I think it was his best performance) and her mother stuck her tongue down her brother's throat on INTERNATIONAL television.

This is news? Really? I mean, I can understand, say, a royal birth. However, I don't remember ANY royal birth getting this press. Of course, they say this child is destined to be gorgeous. I'm not so sure about that...I know some rather unattractive children who came from attractive parents (and sometimes beautiful children coming from ugly parents).

And this was the tagline on the story: Mom and Dad are selling the baby's first pictures and giving the money to charity. Now, I'm all for giving money to charity but I have a feeling that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie each have a couple million dollars to spare to give to charity. Instead, they are already exploiting their child.

How sweet.

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